Business Guide

The Foundation engages in the following businesses through two sections, specifically, the Institute of Intellectual Property(IIP) and the Association of Intellectual Property Education(AIPE).

Research business IIP

Research and study business The IIP conducts wide-ranging research and studies regarding various issues concerning the revision and implementation of intellectual property laws, etc., covering basic to practical issues.
Industrial property right research promotion business Commissioned by the JPO, the IIP conducts researcher invitation business wherein it invites researchers from other countries and has them engage in research activities, researcher dispatch business wherein it dispatches Japanese researchers to research institutes in other countries, and special researcher business wherein it has Japanese young researchers engage in research activities.
Collaborative research business for harmonization of systems Commissioned by the JPO, with Japan included as the main focus, the IIP conducts studies and collaborative research activities regarding issues concerning industrial property right systems among multiple countries, by dispatching Japanese researchers to research institutes in other countries and inviting researchers from other countries.
Business for promotion of comprehensive cooperation for protection Commissioned by the JPO, the IIP conducts collaborative research activities that contribute to realizing appropriate industrial property right systems and implementation thereof in cooperation with Chinese government-affiliated organizations and academic organizations.
Agreements on research exchange The IIP has concluded agreements on research exchange with major overseas intellectual property research institutes, and has agreed with them to promote interchange of researchers, implementation of collaborative projects and joint symposiums, and exchange of research materials, publications, and information.

Skills test-related business AIPE

Intellectual Property Management Skills Test
This is a national examination for the types of jobs relating to "intellectual property management," which is implemented under the skills test system.
The types of jobs relating to "intellectual property management" refer to the types of jobs relating to services for oneself or companies, organizations, etc., to which one belongs, for the purpose of the creation, protection or exploitation of intellectual property. The Foundation implements and operates this test as a test agency designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Certified Specialist, Association of Intellectual Property Education This is an organization of successful candidates of IPMST qualified as the "Certified Specialist of Intellectual Property Management," which is a national qualification relating to intellectual property management.
It is an organization established for the purpose of encouraging the Certified Specialists of Intellectual Property Management to maintain and improve their own skills and knowledge relating to intellectual property management, enhancing the social valuation and recognition of the skills of Certified Specialists, and contributing to the sound development of the industry and economy of Japan through utilization of their skills.
Awards system The AIPE has an awards system for the purpose of promoting the dissemination of the Intellectual Property Management Skills Test and skills for intellectual property management and the improvement of the presence of the Certified Specialists of Intellectual Property Management.

Skill assessment and certification business AIPE

IPLawTest This is a test which is specialized in intellectual property-related "laws" and assesses the level of related knowledge by a score.Unlike the IPMST, this is a private test and focusing on measure of legal Knowledge.
It can be utilized as a milestone for education and learning and as a barometer for recruitment of personnel.
Intellectual Property Analyst certification courses These courses are for training and certifying "Intellectual Property Analysts" who are personnel serving as a bridge between management and intellectual property, with the aim of realizing intellectual property management.
There are two courses, specifically, one in the patent field and one in the contents business field.

Seminar business IIP

IIP's intellectual property tutoring school The IIP engages in the development of personnel who can make proposals on a desirable intellectual property system from a wide view by recruiting young attorneys at law, patent attorneys, and personnel from companies and the JPO.
IIP seminars/debrief sessions The IIP conducts activities for introducing the trends of the operations of intellectual property-related systems and noteworthy judgments, etc. by inviting those who are well-versed in the situation of intellectual property in Japan and abroad.

Intellectual Property Journal

This is a journal specialized in intellectual property that is full of cutting-edge domestic and foreign information about intellectual property, which was first published in June 2017 through the integration and renewal of "Chizaiken Forum" and "Intellectual Property Management Review."
It provides wide-ranging information about the systems, operations, and management of overall intellectual property.

Library IIP

This library houses about 10,000 books (including reports) and about 70 kinds of magazines published in Japan and abroad, mainly in the field of intellectual property laws, with the aim of providing them for use not only by domestic and foreign researchers but also by the general public.

Center for Small and Medium Enterprises AIPE

The Center conducts activities for contributing to the strengthening and dissemination of intellectual property management at small and medium enterprises through research and studies of intellectual property management at small and medium enterprises and consideration of intellectual property-related policies for small and medium enterprises.

Fashion Law Association AIPE

The AIPE conducts research and studies and provides education in relation to fashion-related systems with a focus on the IP protection systems for fashion business.

Supporting members IIP

The IIP has a supporting member system to ask for the approval of its overall objective and purposes of its business activities and support for its businesses.